THE 315P科幻战舰宇宙飞船飞机CG模型插图THE 315P科幻战舰宇宙飞船飞机CG模型插图1 THE 315P科幻战舰宇宙飞船飞机CG模型插图2

探索是人类的最高使命。准备用人类最尖端的技术——ORIGIN 315p绘制遥远的地平线。具有更坚固的发电厂和定制扫描包,由奇美拉通信公司独家设计。


Exploration is man’s highest calling. Prepare to chart distant horizons with man’s most sophisticated piece of technology, the ORIGIN 315p. Featuring a more robust power plant and a custom scanning package, exclusively designed by Chimera Communications.DISCLAIMER: These are our current vehicle specifications. Some of this may change during the 3D design and game balancing process.

